Almost 14 months have passed without having my Mason. His forever sleep place stayed empty with only a few toys to surround him since the day we buried him, July 2nd 2017.
Everyone always told me how sad it was that he didn’t have a headstone yet. What you don’t know is how hard this process is for someone with a broken heart. It’s something I never wanted to do, that I never thought I would be doing. Designing a headstone for my child was not on the top of my list.
His gravesite, my four-year-old’s gravesite. How do you even began to design and pick out the perfect stone that will represent him for forever. The stone that everyone was waiting for. It had to be perfect, the right shape, the right picture and of course the right saying. I wasn’t going to settle for just anything, it had to be all Mason, it had to stand out, just as he did.
The process of his stone started in February and finally now August 15th 2017, it is now complete.
It was just how I wanted it to be, it was perfect. His little face etched on the stone in 3 different pictures, his named in big bold letter, his superhero M and of course the perfect saying, “Fight Like Mason”.
I love it and hate it all at the same time.
The “hate” (big bad word that wasn’t allowed in our household) comes from it being a reality that he is never going to walk this earth holding my hand again. The love comes from seeing his beautiful face and knowing that his smile will be seen forever.
His toys will once again surround him and a little journal that sits on the side will be written in for years to come.
When you drive by, give him a wave, a thumbs up and a big smile. And of course on his stone, you will see him smile back.
I hope you like it Mase Man, I tried my best to make it as perfect as you.
Headstone by Hallmark Memorial Co.