Programs and Awareness
Providing essential support services to warriors & their families
The Fight Like Mason Foundation is committed to supporting other Superhero’s and their families through their battles. Iain, Chantelle, their family, the Fight Like Mason Board Members and volunteers know what is means for a child and family to become part of the childhood cancer community. It is something that the foundation is diligently working on preventing. Until the day comes that the Villain is Defeated for Good, the Fight Like Mason Foundation is honoured to provide essential support services to Families.
- SuperSoldiers
- SuperBuddies
- This Is Me Photoshoot
- Bereavement Support
- RMHC Helping Hands
- Ultimate Gift Giving
Smiles, High Fives and Thumbs up’s to help Brighten children’s days

Mason’s Super Soldiers are a superhero team made up of Mason’s favourite superheroes. These superheroes have come together in the fight against childhood cancer and are here to let every child know who is in their corner.
**Iain & Chantelle, Mason’s Parents, are the only ones who suit up to visit children in hospital.
Mason’s SuperSoldiers visit local paediatric units to bring some joy to children who have cancer or a chronic illness. Made up of Mason’s favourite superheroes, our heroes let these children know how strong and brave they really are. Words of encouragement, positivity, strength and compassion come along with every single visit that is passed on from the foundation’s uniformed hero to each true superhero. Additionally, each child fighting childhood cancer or chronic illness also receives a Funko POP! of the hero that visits them, a polaroid picture to capture the moment as well as an age appropriate comic and more.
Mason’s SuperSoldiers pride themselves on having top-notch suits, held to the highest-degree.
The goals of the program and hospital visits is that the child’s experience with one of Mason’s SuperSoliders is as if they are meeting the real hero themselves. Being in the hospital is never a great thing for anyone, especially kids
Meet Our Mason's superSoldiers
” I can do this all day. “
” With great laughs comes great smiles ”
” Everything is impossible ..until somebody does it ”
“Time to make the laughs & chimichangas !!”
” You can always hold onto hope . “
” I will always fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. ”
“Sometimes you’ve gotta run before you can walk.”
Can anyone request a visit from one of Mason’s SuperSoliders?
Mason’s SuperSoliders are reserved for hospital coordinated and approved visit, special in-home visits and at foundation fundraising events throughout the year. Mason’s SuperSoliders were created to inspire and support the children battling cancer and therefore are not available for hire.
If you attend one of the Fight Like Mason Foundation fundraising events and see one our Mason’s SuperSoliders, feel free to say hi and have your photo taken with them for a donation to help us Defeat the Villain for Good!
If you have a child with childhood cancer or chronic illness and would like to have a superhero visit your child in Windsor at Met Hospital, please complete the Mason’s SuperSolider Visit Request Form.
See our Supersoldiers in action

TY Hypoallergenic Plush Superheroes
Mason’s SuperBuddies program was created to help children, and their parents, with the stress and fright when their child is rushed to the hospital. The Fight Like Mason Foundation believes that having a familiar superhero in the ambulance to keep a child company, takes their mind away from what is happening to them medically and make them feel brave in a scary situation. It is a small but impactful gesture.
Mason’s SuperBuddies Donations
The Mason’s SuperBuddies program has partnered with Essex-Windsor EMS and is currently available in Windsor-Essex County. Since the program’s inception, over 800 brand new TY Hypoallergenic plush Superheroes have been donated free of charge and is at the discretion of the EMS team to distribute to children in need.

Proving to the world they are more than a diagnosis!
Every child has a dream about what they want to be when they grow up, what they aspire to have one day, or a passion that they strongly identify with. When a child is diagnosed with cancer, they often have a very difficult time being identified as something other than a child with cancer and not who they truly are. Cancer does not define these children and shouldn’t take away their unique identities.
The Fight Like Mason Foundation wanted give childhood cancer fighters a chance to showcase to the world who they are and that they are more than their diagnoses.
What is involved in the This Is Me Photoshoot?
The This Is Me Photoshoot is an annual opportunity open for all children that have been affected by childhood cancer regardless if they are a survivor, in maintenance or even on active treatment. The event is limited to 12 children and for the safety, wellbeing and privacy of the children, we adhere to a strict schedule.
Each child is given a 30-minute professional photo session including attire and props that are theirs to keep, so that they can become who they want to be and feel their best. We transform the space into a magical experience and gift each child or teenager an experience they will never forget. The Fight Like Mason Foundation also provides food and refreshments for children and their family members during their time at the photo session.
Their favourite music and songs will play for them during their shoot to feel super comfortable and have fun dancing and singing along.
Following the This Is Me Photoshoot, each child’s best shots are professionally edited and provided to them. A canvas of their best image is then gifted to each child so that they can proudly display their transformation and have a lifelong souvenir. Along with their canvas they will also receive The Fight Like Mason Bravery award.
At the end of year we also showcase each one of our amazing warriors as exactly who they are in a yearly fundraising calendar!
The photoshoot was super-duper fun. I loved being a Lego Master Builder. It was amazing! I got to keep all the big Lego blocks too. After the shoot, they put my photo on a huge canvas. It’s a reminder that I can do anything!”
The day made me feel happy because I got to meet Spider-Man and get his costume. I was super excited and thankful to Fight Like Mason and Spidey.” – Ethan
The whole “This is Me” experience filled our hearts with so much pride and gratitude. To see E hang out with his Superhero for some one-on-one time, is an experience he still talks about. Seeing the finished calendar and canvas of Ethan (which hangs proudly in our home), was not just symbolic of the individual our son has become because of his journey through Childhood Cancer; it was also a testament to how heroic he feels and the feats he has accomplished. We are forever thankful to Fight Like Mason for providing our family with a truly incredible experience.
-Charlie, Nicole & Ethan Abdul-Massih
Fight Like Mason’s Photoshoot gave our daughter an experience we will never forget, just four months after finding the heart wrenching world changing news of her having cancer, she got to be a real unicorn princess and she felt it! (heart emoji) Thank you so much for making our girl feel on top of the world!
– Christie Costigan
What type of characters can children be photographed as?
The This Is Me Photoshoot’s main object is to showcase to the world that 12 warriors are more than their diagnosis. So, whether they identify with a superhero, princess or hockey all-star…want to become a fire fighter, chef, doctor or anything else, the Fight Like Mason Foundation will ensure that each child’s photo subject, props and styling is beyond their expectations!
There are no limits or restrictions on what you can do or what they can become. We hope that the overall experience and finished piece of artwork empowers these children see their true right in front of their eyes.
want to become a sponsor of this program ?
Contact us here to inquiry about coming onboard to help us continue to make our local childhood cancer fighters prove to the world they are more than their cancer.
OUR Proud Partners

How Can My Child Participate?
The This Is Me Photoshoot is open to children between the ages of 1 to 18 years of age who have been affected by childhood cancer and are able to travel to Windsor-Essex . The event is limited to 10 children and for the safety, wellbeing and privacy of the children, we adhere to a strict schedule.
If you would like to have a child you know participate in the This Is Me Photoshoot, please complete the form below. All applications will be reviewed and participation will be confirmed via email. After your spot is confirmed we will contact you for more details.
This Is Me 2025 Registration • July 2024
Not your typical grief counselling.

The Badass Moms and Dads Clubs were established to provide a different take on the fight against grief for parents who have lost a child to childhood cancer. These groups allow mothers and fathers from Windsor-Essex County to come together, in a judgement free space, to share their experience, support their physical and mental well-being while empowering and strengthening themselves in a social setting alongside others that have experienced a similar loss.
There is no “right way” to grieve when you lose a family member, and this is especially true for when a parent loses a child to cancer. Each grief journey is right for each individual. Following Mason’s passing, Chantelle and Iain began to work through their emotions and create meaning from their loss, however they found it difficult to relate to others who had not been part of the childhood cancer community.
Throughout their journey with the Fight Like Mason Foundation and meeting fellow childhood cancer parents, Chantelle and Iain realized that there was a need for them to help and support other bereaved parents just like them.
The focus of the BAMC & BADC?
The Badass Moms and Dads Clubs focus on helping parents handle their everyday life after loosing a child. When your child becomes ill and is then diagnosed with childhood cancer, a parent’s life stops, and they entirely focus on their child’s care. When you lose a child, as a parent, you lose almost your entire self and the thought of returning to “normal life” feels utterly impossible.
The Badass Moms and Dads Clubs are driven to bring self-care to the forefront for grieving parents by reminding mothers and fathers that they are worth it. To remind them that it is okay to take time for oneself and to be able to feel the comfort and support of fellow grieving parents. Our hope is that these clubs will act as a safety net for women and men to help them integrate back into a state of healthy physical and mental wellness.
BAMC & BADC Outings
The Badass Moms and Dads Clubs come together monthly as a collective group to positively work on their grief together. Regular meeting or outing help to establishing healthy routines which strengthen the mind and body.
The Badass Moms and Dads Clubs outings include physical activities such as Yoga, self-defence classes, spin cycling, paddle boarding, rock climbing, team games, meditation, reiki, and many more. All outings are selected to help battle through the anxiety and stress of their grief and are attended by Chantelle or Iain respectively. Corporate and in-kind sponsorships along with specific monetary donation cover all related costs associated with Badass Moms and Dads Clubs activities.
The Badass Moms and Dads Clubs welcomes any parents that who have lost a child to childhood cancer within Windsor-Essex County. If you would like to become part of either the BAMC or BADC please click the button and complete the form below.
BAMC or BADC Activity Sponsors
The Badass Moms and Dads Clubs host activities because of the generosity of local organizations, businesses and individuals. Many partners provide in-kind services or products based around one of the monthly activities. Additionally, a mother or father can be sponsored for either an individual event or for an entire year. If you would like to inquire about hosting our group (either moms, dads or both) please click the button to fill out the form below !
Having a child pass away from childhood cancer is a world shattering moment in a parent’s/caregivers life. Our hearts break for any family having to experience this incredibly difficult and tragic time. Having a child diagnosed and then passing away from Childhood Cancer is something no parent should have to experience. We understand how difficult the entire journey has been and we do know exactly what it is like to be in that position.
Pending the family or applicant meets the selected criteria, Fight Like Mason Foundation may provide up to a maximum of $5000.00 to cover some funeral expenses.
Financial support shall be provided directly to the participating Funeral Home only after an official, up to date invoice is provided to Fight Like Mason Foundation.
Currently Fight Like Mason Foundation is only able to provide financial assistance for families within the Windsor-Essex area.
Honour Guard
Fight Like Mason Foundation intends to honour our childhood cancer heroes and warriors like we honour our soldiers and first responders alike. Our honour guard may be present for celebration of life services for the child in the event that a child passes away.
Our honour guard will stand to honour the fallen hero with the upmost respect that they deserve. This honour guard consists of bereaved parents, parents of children that have survivors and even childhood cancer survivors themselves.
This Honour Guard will also be present to raise awareness in parades and special events for the Fight Like Mason Foundation, along with celebration ceremonies including end of treatment gong ringing as well as others.
This Honour Guard will act as a symbol to the families effected and the community, that their children are honoured to the highest degree. The uniform is black, with many gold accents and trim, showcasing the childhood cancer awareness colour of gold.

Ronald McDonald House Partnership
The Helping Hands Centre is a room full of necessities that families would need during their stay at Ronald McDonald house in Windsor and London Ontario.
Iain and Chantelle know what it is like to drop everything and go when your child needs urgent care. They spent the better part of a year living in a Ronald McDonald House while Mason was receiving treatment. In their case, as is true with many others, the services your child needs are far from home and there is little time to prepare for lifesaving medical travel. This results in families not having comforts of home or even basic supplies with them when they arrive to the hospital. That is why the Fight Like Mason Foundation is the exclusive partner for RMHC Helping Hands Centers in Southwestern Ontario.
items provided in the Helping Hands Center
From customized Fight Like Mason Foundation toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, hand cream, deodorant, lip balm, feminine hygiene products, hand sanitizers, disinfected wipes, brushes, hair ties, to colouring books, crayons, comics, headphones and much more, the Fight Like Mason Foundation will always make sure these bins are never left empty, and no family goes without while supporting their little fighter.
Want to contribute to Helping Hands Center?
Anyone can help support the Fight Like Mason Helping Hands Center’s by making a monetary donation or providing in-kind supplies that can be used directly by families staying in Ronald McDonald Houses in Southwestern Ontario.
The Fight Like Mason Foundation is thankful to have the support by the Belle River Shopper’s DrugMart to help source quality items for our Helping Hand Centers.

The holidays are difficult for any family struggling, especially those families that are fighting these horrible diseases. Financial struggles are common when caring for a sick child. Parents work less, take leave of absences and/or even quit their jobs to care for their child. During the holidays, stress levels are even higher for childhood cancer parents as they are trying to provide holiday presents and gifts for their families while juggling clinic days, appointments, scans, treatments, surgeries and everything that goes along with caring for a child with cancer.
The Fight Like Mason Foundation partnered with Super Ethan’s Steps has partnered to gift every child on ACTIVE treatment within Windsor-Essex County along with their siblings the items on their wishlist. It was important for us to include the siblings because childhood cancers are diseases that affect the whole family.
Watch our Ultimate Gift Giving Video here
How to sponsor a family
You can contribute to the Ultimate Gift Giving Program gift drive with a monetary donation instead of shopping for items on the wish list. Board members from the Fight Like Mason Foundation will purchase, pick-up and wrap all of the online wish list purchases.
Included in your sponsorship:
– Name/Logo Sticker Ornament on Holiday Box given to family
– Social media group thank you
– Name/Logo Digital Ornament on UGG Webpage
– Full tax receipt
Click a present below to sponsor a family this year !
Some of our great Family Sponsors Below !

Program Testimonials:
“The generosity we have experienced with The Ultimate Gift Giving program is truly remarkable. Each of our children received their own special wish and BEYOND. They were all truly in awe to the almost countless gifts and the smile on our children’s faces is priceless!! Our family is grateful beyond words and will always remember the kindness. Thank you so much to The Ultimate Gift Giving program. You truly make a difference in the lives of children and families like us.”
– The Toletino family / Victor’s Family
“The Ethan Super Steps, Fight Like Mason Gift Giving Event was the most magical event my family has ever experienced. To be able to see pure joy in your children’s eyes, to be able to see them so happy, after all the hard days of treatment and to include their siblings in this event was the best gift a family could ever receive.”
– Mellissa Patrick / Megan’s Mother
“It made me feel special knowing that I was supported by so many nice and friendly people. You guys help make kids like me, forget the bad times, and to make feel like the heroes we are. Thank you so much for everything!”
– Evelyn Rollo (survivor)