Thank you Everyone!
Raised $70,000 !
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Check out this year's gallery below!

Fight like Mason's annual signature Charity Golf Tournament Fundrasier
Register today to help make a difference for children and their families affected by childhood cancer.
Lakeshore's Largest charity tournament !
Now in our 4th year, our tournament has raised over $170,000.00 and sees over 200+ golfers come together to support.
Double Shotgun Start
Following local health regulatory guidelines, we will now be having 8:00am and 1:30pm Shotgun Starts. Please arrive 20-30 min prior to your shotgun start time.
Meals & Raffles follow
Join us all following your round for the delicious meal with your team and group. There will be many incredible raffle prizes and auction items to be a part of !
proceeds from this fundraiser help support our 10+
childhood cancer programs!
Rochester Place Golf Club & Resort
981 County Rd 2, Belle River, ON N0R 1A0

want to be involed?
Put together a foursome
Register for single or pair
Become an event sponsor
Donate a raffle prize
Sign up as a volunteer
Sponsor a hole + more!
Scramble tournament
8:00 am and 1:30 Shotgun starts
Onsite Golf Genius ( real time digital updates on competitive scoring)
Closest to the pin
Closest to Mason
Longest Drive
Putting Contest
Superticket add-on option at checkout!
Amazing raffle table + Silent Auction
Largest charity tournament in Lakeshore!
Help us Defeat the Villian for Good!
- Registration
- Sponsorship Opportunities
Fight Like Mason Classic
Player Registration-
1x 18 Hole round at Rochester Place Golf Course
1x Fight Like Mason Classic Swag Bag (including exclusive FLMF product!)
1x Cart Rental (as part of your foursome)
1x Lunch + Drink of choice
1x Dinner of choice ( Steak, Perch Veggie )
SUPERTICKET add - on available at checkout !
Fight Like Mason Classic
Foursome Registration-
1x 18 Hole round at Rochester Place Golf Course for 4
4x Fight Like Mason Classic Swag Bags (including exclusive FLMF product!)
2x Cart Rentals (as part of your foursome)
1x Lunch + Drink (alcoholic or non) of choice
4x Dinner of choice ( Steak, Perch, Veggie )
SUPERTICKET add - on available at checkout !
To register for our tournament please fill out short form below. You can register for 1-4 players at once !
When you have completed the registration form, you will be redirected to select the number of players you would like to pay for and you will check-out through our regular secured Shopify Checkout.
If you are registering for more than one player, please pay for each registrant at the time of registration to be placed together.
If you do not know all of your players names at the time of registration that is okay. You will need to provide their name and meal choice at least 1 month prior to event day.
Are you a business interested in a team registration ?
Fill out the form for all four players below and pay online
Contact us at for other options to register your team !