‘Tis the Season to be..Jolly?
‘Tis the season to be..Jolly? The holiday season is here once again, and don’t get me wrong, I love the holidays… well at least I use to. It’s a magical time that brings family and friends together, full of gorgeous lights and decorations, the feeling of warmth and hearts feeling full of love. A time […]
* S U R V I V I N G * The word we now use so often. When you ask us how we are managing with the death of our son, all we can say is that we are surviving. Why are we only surviving? We had our beautiful son with us for four […]
Change in weather.
It feels like it’s been forever since I put my words onto paper. We’ve been busy with many events, that we were lucky enough to be apart of, and heard so many beautiful stories about how our little boy inspired others. This post may be a mishmash of feelings but I have so much I […]
Set in Stone
Almost 14 months have passed without having my Mason. His forever sleep place stayed empty with only a few toys to surround him since the day we buried him, July 2nd 2017. Everyone always told me how sad it was that he didn’t have a headstone yet. What you don’t know is how hard this […]
A Day In Our Life.
A day in our life. What is it to live without a child, to bury a child& to no longer see your child. It’s a feeling you wish to never feel, it’s a nightmare that no one thinks could be real. But this is our reality, this is our life. Here is a glimpse of […]
All About Mason’s Fight
The story of one boy who never gave up & lived life always being thumbs up! Our story begins on May 9th 2012 at 3:55 in the morning when our perfect little boy was born, he was 9 days overdue, 8lbs 11oz and 22.5 inches long, he was everything and more. He was a very […]
All About Miller Mase
One month with this perfect little bundle of full on joy, happiness and heart restoring little man. Miller Mase arrived June 1st, and it was the perfect way to start one of the hardest months of our lives. I was so afraid to have a June baby. How was I going to feel? Could I […]
The Last Heartbeat
I could feel it. On the 26 of June 2016, I had the worst feeling a mother could have. The feeling that these were the last hours with my son. His skin colour was now yellow, his eyes where grey, his face was sunken and you could see every bone in his body. His belly […]
The Unsung Hero
The unsung hero behind this women is the most amazing man, father & husband I could have ever asked for. He is kind, smart, very good looking and the best Papa to our boys. He is the one that did hours of research to make sure Mason had the best treatments, care and doctors. He […]
Hello world.
On June 1st 2017, a little superhero’s brother was born. 7lbs 8oz and an easy and fast delivery, we are very proud to announce Mason’s baby brother & our new little addition Miller Mase. It was a beautiful day full of love, support and of course Mason. Windsor Regional Hospital second floor Labour and delivery […]